Stoelzle Oberglas
Arbio Group
Jerusalem Design Week
Vienna Design Week
wien woche
die angewandte
Stadt Nürnberg
Bal Robotov
Schloss Hollenegg
Biennale for Change
MAK Wien
Seestadt aspern
Book your storyteller to tell tales about emerging technology!
King GAFA and the Magical 0-1 Crop
On data sovereignty, the elders, and a mighty king that can’t be overruled.
There will be! People! On the sun! Soon!
A talk about our relationship with the sun, mirrored in the objects we use. featuring Wiener Werkstätten designs for solar umbrellas, a futuristic sextant, a message of my Oma, and a solar park that takes a vacation.
Stoelzle Oberglas
Arbio Group
Jerusalem Design Week
Vienna Design Week
wien woche
die angewandte
Stadt Nürnberg
Bal Robotov
Schloss Hollenegg
Biennale for Change
MAK Wien
Seestadt aspern
Book your storyteller to tell tales about emerging technology!
King GAFA and the Magical 0-1 Crop
On data sovereignty, the elders, and a mighty king that can’t be overruled.There will be! People! On the sun! Soon!
A talk about our relationship with the sun, mirrored in the objects we use. featuring Wiener Werkstätten designs for solar umbrellas, a futuristic sextant, a message of my Oma, and a solar park that takes a vacation.The Critical Caryatid
Statues that become alive, the world’s first fully objective concert hall and Viennese music history X Scifi.
Jedes Ding hat drei Seiten, eine positive, eine negative, und eine komische.
Karl Valentin
What is needed is not new technology, but new metaphors: a metalanguage for describing the world that complex systems have wrought.
James Bridle,
The New Dark Age