a playable exhibition for visitors aged 0-4
What does it mean when objects are changeable and do not authoritatively command a game? How can architecture enable social encounters? What is inside and what is outside? With OFFSPRING, we created a temporary space for play for young children to get to know the works of Viennese and international designers and artists. Over 20 gloomy winter days, the exhibition welcomed more than 1000 visitors.
Works by:
Amelie Bachfischer, Breaded Escalope, Adnan Balčinović, Alexandre Delasalle, Lisa Edi, Diego Faivre, Sarah Franzl, Kiki Furlan, Theresa Hattinger, Stefanie Högl & Mathias Borowski, Flora Lechner, Anna Lerchbaumer, Frank Maria, Johanna Pichlbauer, Stefan Reiterer, Johanna Charlotte Trede, Thomas Waidhofer
a playable exhibition for visitors aged 0-4
What does it mean when objects are changeable and do not authoritatively command a game? How can architecture enable social encounters? What is inside and what is outside? With OFFSPRING, we created a temporary space for play for young children to get to know the works of Viennese and international designers and artists. Over 20 gloomy winter days, the exhibition welcomed more than 1000 visitors.
Works by:
Amelie Bachfischer, Breaded Escalope, Adnan Balčinović, Alexandre Delasalle, Lisa Edi, Diego Faivre, Sarah Franzl, Kiki Furlan, Theresa Hattinger, Stefanie Högl & Mathias Borowski, Flora Lechner, Anna Lerchbaumer, Frank Maria, Johanna Pichlbauer, Stefan Reiterer, Johanna Charlotte Trede, Thomas Waidhofer
Photos: Lisa Edi
Graphic: Theresa Hattinger
Graphic: Theresa Hattinger